Our Children 1st Multi Academy Trust Vision and Values

As our name suggests, our priority is with our children fully at the heart of our philosophy and “We believe that together we can” make a difference creating schools where success is inevitable.

A child’s school years are the most important of their life. The time when they develop the skills they need to succeed. Our Academy Trust will work hard to give every child the very best start we can. We will offer outstanding teaching and learning, exceptional care and support.

We came into the education world because we believed in fairness and equality of opportunity. We believe that every child has the right to an excellent education. We also believe that they should have a happy childhood filled with excitement and wonder.

Our MAT has learning at its heart, teachers who are committed enthusiastic and innovative to get the best outcomes for every child.

We will provide a team of exceptional staff, supported by committed governors to work with children and parents to create schools in which we can all take pride.

Message from our Chair of the Trust, Ray Brown;

Indeed Our Children 1st Multi Academy Trust is all about developing a structure and
strategy which is child-centred.

It has been a privilege to be involved in school governance for more than a decade and I believe that the Members and Trustees of the MAT are ideally qualified to drive the Trust forward. The Trustee Board has a wealth of experience covering education/teaching, business/finance, Personnel and community awareness. Since the Members have the ultimate control over the Academy Trust, it is vital that they too are appropriately qualified and Our Children 1st Multi Academy Trust can boast a wide experience of senior leadership.

Our Children 1st Multi Academy Trust is not in the business of building an empire, but it is open to expanding the Trust to accommodate like minded schools which can subscribe to the Trust’s philosophy and objectives and seek to improve educational and social outcomes for their children.


We believe in maximising opportunities for all our children by providing;

  • Outstanding teaching every day
  • A vast range of experiences, academic, social and extra-curricular
  • Support for the children’s emotional and general well-being
  • A sense of belonging within the MAT, which ensures that everyone reaches their full potential.

It is our belief that every school and every teacher within the MAT has individual strengths and attributes and that these can be shared through collaboration and common purpose to contribute towards our goal of making a difference for every child within the MAT.

Our Children 1st Academy Trust will support the vision that every child should have the same opportunities and life chances, irrespective of their socio-economic background, gender or ethnicity. We strive to ensure that success is inevitable, by providing for pupils and staff, outstanding learning opportunities in order to develop their knowledge and skills. It is recognized that high expectations and aspirations are integral in achieving success and that the philosophy of ‘work hard, play hard’ brings assured rewards.


In order to provide the best opportunities for the children of Our Children 1st Academy Trust, the following are proven approaches which are applied:

A team around the child
In order to engage children in learning we recruit and develop teams of outstanding teachers for each year group who strive to teach, in a range of techniques to ensure inclusivity. The belief is that recruiting additional staff provides consistent teaching and develops relationships with all our pupils. Additional staff resources are also used to provide emotional care which enables all children to access quality learning.

An environment to support learning
The MAT provides a school environment which is conducive to the highest quality of teaching and learning. It is important to create facilities which are consistent throughout the school, which develop a sense of belonging and equality. Children learn best when they value the environment they are in and can find spaces to learn, explore and feel secure.

Good recruitment and retention policy
Working in a school with enthusiastic, motivated and talented staff is vital for providing excellent education. Teachers and Teaching Assistants who feel valued, supported to grow and encouraged to move through their career, will continue to work to the ethos and beliefs of the Multi Academy Trust by which they have been underpinned.

Schools supporting all schools
Our Children 1st Academy Trust adopt the philosophy that working together is the key to success and improvement. The Trust already is engaged working alongside other schools via our Middlesbrough Schools Teaching Alliance, deploying SLEs, providing ITT and CPD and sharing best practice. More formal partnerships with other schools will continue to provide the best education for all our children.

Our Children 1st Academy Trust is committed to a partnership which

  1. Have a shared moral purpose to get the best possible outcomes for all children and young people in Middlesbrough and beyond
  2. Provide quality ITT, supporting its students and encouraging them to strive for excellence in a career in Middlesbrough
  3. Support schools and staff providing CPD, in order to challenge and extend professional capabilities
  4. Provide support for all levels in the education sector via training, networking, SLE, LLE and NLE deployments and school to school peer reviews
  5. Encourages collaboration with all schools in Middlesbrough to play to the strengths of each individual in order to utilise opportunities to learn and develop
  6. Creates a model of excellence which is innovative and has impact on educational standards and strategies in Middlesbrough

As a parent, if you require any of the information on our website as a paper copy then we can provide this free of charge.