Welcome to the Pallister Park Year 3 Page
We will be covering:
Autumn 1
Magnets and Forces
Children will learn about forces in the context of pushing and pulling, and will identify different actions as pushes or pulls. The children will work scientifically and collaboratively to investigate friction and magnetic materials. They will investigate the strength of magnets over a distance and will have chance to explore the way magnetic poles can attract and repel.
Autumn 2
Natural Disasters
Children will learn about areas of natural disasters and will focus on earthquakes and volcanoes. They will learn about how earthquakes and volcanoes occur and the effects they can on the surrounding environments. In Science, children will focus on the different layers of the Earth and will also explore different types of rocks, soils and fossils.
Spring 1
Prehistoric Times
Children will learn about changes in Britain from Stone Age (Palaeolithic, Mesolithic and Neolithic periods), Bronze Age to the Iron Age. Children will explore timelines and develop an understanding of Prehistoric achievements and their impact. They will focus on housing and the development from hunter-gatherer to farmer.
Spring 2
Keeping Healthy
Children will learn about nutrition during this topic and the seven types of nutrients humans need to grow. They will also learn about skeletons, vertebrates and invertebrates. We will also think about Fairtrade food and farming.
Summer 1
Powerful Plants
In this topic children will investigate the different parts of a plant, the plant life cycle and think about what a plant needs to grow. Children will have opportunities to carry out investigations and record their findings.
Summer 2
Ancient Egypt
Children will learn about Ancient Egypt, thinking about life on the Nile, the great pyramids and the powerful rule of the ancient pharaohs.
PE will take place on a Monday. Please ensure that your child comes to school wearing their PE kit (red t-shirt, black shorts and suitable footwear). During cold weather, children should wear jogging bottoms and their red school jumper over the top of their P.E kit.
All children will need to bring their reading book and planner in to school each day.
Homework will be focusing on:
- Please ensure that you read regularly with your child at home and sign their planner. Whilst reading, also question your child on the text.
- Please help your child to learn their time tables, through logging onto TimesTable Rockstars, using flashcards or even just quick-fire questions.
- Children will receive weekly spellings. Please try and set aside some time to practise these with your child. They could also log onto Spelling Shed to practise.
- Resources to access at home:
- getepic.com
- Times Tables Rock Stars (ttrockstars.com)
- Spelling Shed – Spelling Shed – The Science of Spelling
Resources to access at home: Times Tables Rock Stars (ttrockstars.com)) Get Epic Log In (getepic.com) Spelling Shed – Spelling Shed – Spelling made awesomer! Hit the Button – Quick fire maths practise for 6-11 year olds (topmarks.co.uk)