Academy trusts are founded by Members. They agree the trust’s first articles of association, which includes the Trust’s charitable purpose. The academy trust must have at least three Members. Employees of the academy trust must not be Members. Members are not involved in the day-to-day business of the trust. However, they do have an important role in an academy trust based on a number of key powers set out in the articles of association and in company law.
Members help to ensure that Academy Trustees are exercising effective governance by utilising a range of powers including:
- Appointing and removing Academy Trustees
- Appointing and removing Members
- Directing Trustees (Members can, by special resolution, direct Trustees to take a specific action where Trustees are unable or unwilling to act in the best interests of the academy trust)
- Amending the Trust’s Articles of Association
- Appointing and removing Auditors
Our Children 1st Academy Trust Members are;
Name | Appointed by | Date Appointed |
Mrs Ros Jessop | Members | 29/05/2021 |
Mr Richard Painter | Members | 01/03/2022 |
Mr Christopher Walton | Members | 07/06/2021 |
Ms Alison Kerr Resigned 21.03.2022 | Members | 01/02/2017 |
Mr Howard Leighton | Members | 03/10/2024 |
The Members meet at least once per year at an Annual General Meeting.
The Trustees are both Charity Trustees and Company Directors, who have ultimate accountability for the way in which Pallister Park Academy is managed.
The Trustees focus on three core functions:
- Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
- Holding executive leaders to account for the educational performance of the organisation and its pupils, and the performance management of staff
- Overseeing and ensuring effective financial performance
The Trust Board may discharge its responsibilities by delegating functions in accordance with the Trust’s Articles of Association, Funding Agreement and Academy Trust Handbook. The Trust has approved a committee structure and delegated responsibility to those committees.
The Trustees are appointment by the Members. The Headteacher/ Accounting Officer is a Trustee. There are no other employed representatives within the Trustees, and the Trustees will not exceed the 33% ‘employed within the Trust’ limitation at any time. There will also be no more than 19.9% of the Trustees associated with a Local Authority.
There are currently 7 Trustees in Our Children 1st Multi Academy Trust.
Mrs Julie Davis is Chair and can be contacted c/o Pallister Park Primary School, Gribdale Road, Pallister Park, Middlesbrough, TS3 8PW.
Name | Appointed by | Date Appointed |
Mrs Julie Davies (Chair) | Co-opted by Trustees | 01/04/2021 |
Mr Stuart Williams Resigned 01/11/2023 | Academy Members | 05/12/2022 |
Mrs Heather Adams (Head Teacher) | Ex officio | |
Mrs Jane Thackstone | Academy Members | 08/04/2021 |
Mrs Helen Bone Resigned 31/12/2023 | Academy Members | 12/04/2021 |
Mrs Lynne Chalk | Academy Members | 18/12/2023 |
Mr Stuart Bennett | Parents | 11/02/2022 |
Mr R Painter | Trustee | 18/12/2023 |
Professor Graham Henderson OBE Resigned 11/02/2022 | Academy Members | 27/11/2019 |
Trustees meet at least 3 times per year.
Curriculum and Standards and Welfare | Finance, Audit, Risk and Resources |
Mrs Lynne Chalk (Chair) | Mr Richard Painter (Chair) |
Mrs Jane Thackstone | Mrs Jane Thackstone |
Mrs Julie Davies | Mrs Heather Adams |
Mrs Heather Adams | Mrs Lynne Chalk |
Meet at least 3 times per year | Meet at least 3 times per year |

Trustees | Relevant business and pecuniary interests (including governance roles in other educational institutions) |
——- | |
Mrs H Adams | Itchy Robot UK Ltd |
Mrs J Thackstone | DHT – Green Lane Academy. Professional Lead in Schools Direct Programme |
Mrs J Davies | Official at DfE |
Attendance 2023-24
Trustee | Meetings attended | Out of a possible |
Ms J Davies (Chair) | 3 | 3 |
Mr R Painter | 3 | 3 |
Mrs J Thackstone | 3 | 3 |
Mrs L Chalke | 2 | 3 |
Mrs H Adams (Principal and Accounting Officer) | 3 | 3 |
Mr S Bennett | 2 | 3 |
Mrs H Bone (resigned 31.12.2023) | 1 | 3 |