Approach to the Curriculum

At Pallister Park Primary School, we are committed to meeting the requirements of the primary National Curriculum. We have designed a broad and balanced curriculum with high aspirations for all learners.

Our units of work reflect the content and challenge of the curriculum. Teachers have received training in key areas of curriculum change and provide outstanding curriculum provision.

The curriculum is taught with the consideration of the needs of all learners. Our curriculum is designed to be exciting and engaging to inspire children to nurture a passion for learning.

It is important to us to provide a broad range of relevant and creative opportunities that enrich our children’s learning, such as ‘wow’ events, trips, visitors and outdoor learning in our school grounds.

If you would like to find out more about our curriculum please contact your child’s class teacher or the school office. Alternatively, see the following document:


At Pallister Park Primary, our motto is ‘work hard, play hard’ and we believe that our children do work very hard during the school day therefore as homework all we ask is that they complete their reading, spelling and times table tasks set by their class teacher.

From time to time there may be a project set related to the child’s topic such as to make a model or fact file. Parents will be notified of these by the class teachers.