Tel: 01642 242174 | Head Teacher: Mrs H Adams

Pallister Park

Year 2

Welcome to the Pallister Park Year 2 Page

This year we will be covering:
Autumn term 1 Castles:
Children will focus on the local study of Raby Castle looking at the history and the structure. They will develop an awareness of what life was like in a medieval castle and the jobs people held.  

Autumn term 2 Healthy Me: 

Children will learn about the human body and importance of staying healthy. They will work scientifically and investigate the effect exercise has on the human body. They will also develop their understanding of healthy eating and hygiene.

Spring term 1 Explorers:  

Children will learn all about the life and voyages of local explorer Captain James Cook. We will be studying the UK and the countries that make the United Kingdom as well as human and physical features of our local area. We will also be putting our navigating skills to the test by learning how to use compass direction.  

Spring term 2 All around us:   

Children will learn about the local area including shops and housing and how these have changed over time since the 1950s. Children will learn about local landmark: The Transporter bridge and discover why it was built and how it runs. We will also be looking into nature and observing what plants need to grow.  

Summer term 1 Let’s grow:  

Children will learn all about plants and what they need to grow healthily. They will watch plants grow and observe the life cycle of plants. They will also explore textiles and create products using different joining techniques.  

Summer term 2 By the sea: 

Children will learn about what animals need to survive and looking closely at their life cycles. They will also look in depth at habitats (including micro-habitats) The children will also explore different artists and create their own 3D art inspired by Stephen Broadbent and Mary Hambling.

PE is every Monday. Children will take part in several different activities including team games, gymnastics, dance and athletics. 

Y2 children will take part in Forest School after the Christmas Holidays learning valuable skills and teamwork in a fun, stimulating environment.  

Y2 children will also be taking part in swimming this year. 

Spellings of Year 1/2 statutory words

Reading school stage book as often as possible at home as well as enjoying library books together at home.

Time Tables Rockstars:

Teach your monster to read:

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