Our Children 1st Multi Academy Trust believes that we can achieve even more for our children and families by focusing on key areas of improvement.
Our Aims
Improving outcomes and opportunities for all children
Becoming a centre of excellence for inclusion, responsive to the changing landscape in SEND
Being the employer of choice that invests in our People as a supportive team that encourages professional development
Maintain a financially viable, sustainable and ethically driven organisation
Being rooted in the communities our Schools serve and ensuring a strong voice for all our stakeholders
Our aims will be achieved by:
Focusing on outcomes and opportunities through
- Robust analysis of outcomes and performance
- Sharing best practice within school and across schools in the area through networks
- Building leadership capacity within SLT and middle leadership
- Development of staff to lead and take on new roles
- Strong curriculum with opportunities to enhance experiences of our children to develop the whole child and ensure they reach their potential
Ensuring Inclusive practise with
- Targeted staffing within teams to support SEND
- Experienced SEND Team to support, develop and grow knowledge, skills and capacity in our workforce
- Outside support networks to review and revise needs and strategies
- Promoting outreach opportunities
Having the best workforce and working environment through
- Recruitment and retention of high-quality staff
- Offering apprenticeships and strong university links
- Reduction of workload; working smarter not harder
- Flexible working; part-time, job share
- Investigate use of AI to further reduce workload where possible
Being financially sustainable by
- Strategic budget forecasting to ensure capacity for growth
- Effective financial processes and procedures audited regularly
- Focus on community and local sustainability
Serving our communities
- Investment in EYFS to support families and ensure our children are part of our school family at the earliest opportunity
- Opportunities to participate in events to bring areas of the community together
- Strong links with feeder secondary schools
- Development of additional provision in partnerships with other establishments
- Revise policy and curriculum in relation to current needs of community

Our achievements will be measured by:
- Strong and improving outcomes for our children year on year for GLD, Phonics, MTC and KS2, leadership capacity to support schools and see career development, completion of high quality CPD.
- Inclusion Quality Mark accreditation and strong outcomes for children with SEND, work with LA to support children with specific needs, completion of PROCLAIM training
- Strong workforce, good staff retention, positive staff survey responses, support of university and ITT students, use of AI to reduce workload.
- Consistently strong audit outcomes highlighting excellent financial management of the Trust as per our management letter.
- Strong links with local schools on teaching and learning such as subject lead networks and moderation, work with feeder secondary school to provide community holiday provision, participation in events organised with other schools and stakeholders.