It is a requirement, under the Education Act 1987, that your child attends school for 190 days each year unless:

  • He/she is ill
  • There are other specific reasons for his/her absence, which should be discussed with the Head Teacher.

The school day starts at 8.30am and ends at 3pm. This equates to 32.5 hours in a typical school week.

We are offering Book and a Bagel provision from 8.30am in all year groups so that your child can come in and read and have a bagel each morning. This is supported by the National School Breakfast Programme.

We ask you to make every effort to ensure that your child arrives at school at the correct time. If you require your child to leave school for any reason during the day we ask that you collect them from the school office and sign your child out, having made prior arrangements to do so. No child will be allowed to leave school during session time unless accompanied by a parent or authorised adult. Please see our Attendance Policy for further details.

Click here to view our policy page