Sports Premium Funding
The Government is providing ‘new, substantial primary school sport funding’ to the value of £150 million per annum. This funding is being jointly provided by the Departments for Education, Health and Culture, Media and Sport, and will see money going directly to primary school head teachers to spend on improving the quality of sport and PE for all their children. The sport funding can only be spent on sport and PE provision within schools.
Who is eligible?
Funding for schools will be calculated by the number of primary-aged pupils (between the ages of 5 and 11) as at the annual schools census.
All schools with 17 or more primary-aged pupils will receive a lump sum of £8000 plus a premium of £5 per pupil. Pallister Park Primary School received £9394.
How will the funding be spent?
Schools will have to spend the sport funding on improving their provision of PE and sport, but they will have the freedom to choose how they do this.
At Pallister Park Primary School we are using the funding to add to our already existing outstanding sports provision. In the last financial year Pallister Park spent approximately £20,750 on PE/Sport. Spending approximately;
- £7500 on Competitive Sport
- £9750 on Physical Education
- £3500 on Healthy Active Lifestyles
Pallister Park has a PE coordinator who is responsible for the ‘Sports Funding’ planning and budgeting, however, often liaising with members of the schools senior management team and the schools business manager.
For a detailed breakdown of the schools Physical Education Action Plan please click on the link provided.
A brief summary of the Key areas we have worked on are listed below;
- Develop staff knowledge and expertise in teaching sport and PE skills – We feel that providing specialist sport coaches to assist in the delivery of already outstanding teaching methods from our teachers during curriculum time is key, so all teachers are given the opportunity to learn from these sports specialist coaches.
- Training staff in teaching outstanding and inclusive PE lessons enabling quality teaching and learning for all children – We feel that we are in a very fortunate position in that we already have a large number of highly skilled and confident teachers in PE. We therefore encourage and provide teachers the opportunity to observe lead practitioners.
- Health and Fitness Program – We recognise that all children need to be physically active for sustained periods and also need to be responsible for understanding what the benefits of a healthy active lifestyle are. All the children from Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 take part in weekly Metafit classes. The Foundation Stage take part in Yoga classes.
- Providing more opportunities for more children to get involved in more sports – Every year all children get the opportunity to experience a sport that is unique to that year group, for example Y2 Judo, Y3 Tennis, Y6 Orienteering.
- Gifted and Talented Sports Clubs – We run a variety of after school clubs to cater for a large number of G & T children and we also work closely with local sports clubs to encourage these children to attend clubs outside of school so that they can further their experience and skill set.
- Resources and equipment – We regularly audit equipment to make sure it is safe to use and purchase new to replace old. We also buy new equipment to further our range of resources so that more children can experience as many sports as possible. We spend a lot of money providing school kit so that when the children represent the school they feel an identity and a sense of pride wearing the school colours.
- Primary School Sport Partnership – We are key members of Middlesbrough Primary Schools Sport Partnership and contribute financially into the package. This funding provides for a vast range of competitions, festivals and sports events, including all Sainsbury’s School Games events at levels 1 to 3. The partnership also includes a range of CPD and network meetings for PE subject leaders.
Schools will be held to account for how they spend the sport funding. Ofsted will strengthen its coverage of sport and PE within the Inspectors’ Handbook and supporting guidance, so that schools and inspectors know how sport and PE will be assessed in future as part of the school’s overall provision.
Inspectors will consider the impact of the primary school sport funding on pupils lifestyles and physical wellbeing. They will take into account;
- The increase in participation within a school.
- The increase and success in competitive school sport.
- How much more inclusive physical education curriculum has become.
- The growth in the range of the traditional and alternative sporting activities.
- The improvement in partnership work on physical education with other schools and other local partners.
- Links with other subjects that contribute to pupils overall achievement and their greater social, spiritual, moral and cultural skills.
- The greater awareness amongst pupils about the dangers of obesity, smoking and other such activities that undermine pupils’ health.
Best practice
Schools will be able to draw on information on effective practice taken from case studies provided by the very best schools. One year on, Ofsted will carry out a survey reporting on the first year’s expenditure and its impact. Pallister Park work very closely with Tees Valley Sport and the Youth Sport Trust accessing up to date research and advice. NGB Kite marks and awards will be awarded to schools based on the use of their funding and on the impact it is having within their school.