Term Dates 2023-2024

PD Days

Monday 4th September 2023

Tuesday 5th September 2023

Friday 27th October 2023

Friday 1st December 2023

Monday 22nd July 2024

Term Dates 2024-2025

PD Days –

Monday 2nd September 2024

Friday 25th October 2024

Monday 2nd December 2024

Friday 18th July 2025

Monday 21st July 2025

Term Dates 2025-2026

PD days to be confirmed.

May we remind you that children are unable to take additional holidays during the school year, in exceptional circumstances and after consultation with Mrs Adams some may be approved.  The school year is from September to August.

Parents of Year 6 pupils must not take holidays during the first two weeks of May as this is when they will be preparing for and taking their SAT’s.  Your support in this matter is much appreciated.