Each term a meeting is held by the SENDCO with every year group team to discuss the progress of children identified as having additional needs. Individuals and groups of children will be targeted for specific interventions to help raise their attainment. (see Intervention strategies) Discussions are shared on progress and any continuing concerns where the SENDCO offers advice and support.
Discussions are also held with parents to detail interventions that their child is having in school and additional meetings are held with the SENDCO to discuss progress where necessary.
Teachers also discuss progress in Pupil Progress Meetings and any concerns over individuals are discussed again with the SENDCO to see if additional support is to be implemented. Assessments are carried out throughout the year which informs these meetings and targets are put in place for individuals.
Specific SEND Support Plans may be put in place for individual children with specific additional needs, such as:
- Physical aids/interventions
- Visual/Hearing impairments
- Behaviour contracts
- ASD 1:1 support
- Medical needs
Targets are reviewed and evaluated and progress monitored. If a child is seen to be making progress in line with peers they will continue to receive support, where needed, but discussions will take place with the class teacher and parents, as to if they need to remain on the SEN register.