Y5 Round – Tuesday 3rd May
Y5 Sonnen – Wednesday 4th May
Y5 Salvati – Thursday 5th May
In class groups, the Year 5 children will visit Cod Beck in the North Yorkshire Moors to take part in a forest school activity day led by Paul and Ian (Outdoor Education Specialists). Your child will take part in two activities, one on the morning and one on the afternoon – the two activities will be canoeing and forest skills.
The children will leave school at 9:15am and return to school for 3pm. As the children are out of school for the whole day they will require a packed lunch and drink. (See form below)
Suggested Kit for the day
School uniform is not needed for this trip.
The children will more than likely get wet and dirty on this trip, so please do not let them wear anything new or valuable.
The children will need a spare set of clothing as they are likely to get wet. Tracksuit bottoms, t-shirts, jumpers and trainers are best.
The year year group teachers will be happy to answer any questions you have at 3pm on any day.
To allow your child to attend, please complete the form below.