Tel: 01642 242174 | Head Teacher: Mrs H Adams

Pallister Park

Year 4

Welcome to the Pallister Park Year 4 Page

Autumn 1

Animal Kingdom

Children will learning about living things and their habitats. They will classify different animal group, explore the impact of habitat and causes of endangered animals.

Autumn 2


The Romans! We will be exploring daily Roman life, infamous battles and just how important this unique civilisation are now, even in 21st Century Britain.  We will look at key figures like Boudicca, remarkable inventions like roads and spas and finding out what life was like as a Roman.

Spring 1

The Human Body

 This is where children will learn about the digestive system and teeth. They will also explore food chains and identify different predators and their prey. In geography we will be learning all about rivers.

Spring 2


Children will compare changes of state and be able to identify solids, liquids and gases. Studying the work of Kerry Darlington, the children will be creating their own observational drawings.

Summer 1

Anglo-Saxons and Vikings

 Children will be learning about the changes to Britain following the Roman Empire. They will discover how the Anglo-Saxons and Vikings arrived in Britain and learn about conflict caused by this.

Summer 2


We will learn all about the different states in North America and identify them on a map. Children will be designing and making a light up box as their DT project this half term which will link to the science which is electricity.


Spellings will be tested on a Friday each week.

Times Table Rockstars is a fun, educational way to be prepared for the multiplication tests at the end of year 4!

PE will continue to be on a Wednesday so please ensure your child wears the PE kit provided by school.

Projects to complete at home.

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